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[SANET-MG] Monsanto swallows Seminis

The article below deals with Monsanto buying another seed company.
Seminis will be a huge asset for the 'dark empire'. Seminis home is
Oxnard , California but it has a worldwide network of vegetable and
fruit seeds sales. Seminis was a co-patent holder of the papaya ring
spot virus  transgenes. The company also has patents for virus control
genes in a wide array of vegetable and fruit crops. It also holds a
patent on broccoli with anti sense genes that make broccoli last a long
time in the produce stand.The Monsanto-Seminis Corporate Empire may open
a new era of garden spies who rat out their neighbors for saving seeds.
The corporation may soon be strong enough to penalize seed saving by
long imprisonment or the  lethal injection.

Monsanto paid $1.4bn (£745m) on Monday to buy a fruit and vegetable seed
company and said it would look at the possibility of genetically modifying
the produce.
The company is known for its controversial innovations in genetic
modifications for crops such as soya beans and corn.

Genetically modified crops are flourishing in the US but have caused an
outcry elsewhere.The deal will speed up Monsanto's move into the seed
market and
extend its reach further into Europe and Asia, where the company,
Seminis, does
a large
part of its business. (The Guardian; Financial Times -25 Jan)

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