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[SANET-MG] cloned beef soon may be on the market: can some be organic?

The article below is worth looking at. It makes it clear that cloned
meat may soon hit the market.The "perfect crime" described below is only
partly true. Laboratory research shows that the nuclei cloned from
adults has a typical epigenetic fingerprint related to problems with
most of the clones produced.The epigentic fingerprints can be detected
using a technique involving transcription arrays. Even the "best"
survivors of cloning tend, like Dolly,  have early aging problems.
Offsprings of the original clones may bear the epigenetic impact of the
parent related to the disturbed developmental program of the parent.
Cloned meat may be an imperfect crime but that may not stop the FDA.

The Beef About Clones Ranchers with carbon-copy bulls are fenced in by
the public's distaste for food derived from such animals and delays in
FDA approval. By Karen Kaplan Times Staff Writer February 10, 2005
"There is no way to distinguish calves fathered by clones from those
fathered by the original bull. A DNA analysis would reveal only that
they have different mothers."If this turns into a crime," Coover said,
"it would truly be the perfect crime."

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