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[SANET-MG] potato vaccine

The problem with vaccine in food is that it can make the person
repeatedly exposed  accept the virus as self, thus the person may become
receptive to the virus. This is particularly true of very young people.
Published online before print February 22, 2005
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.0409899102

Immunogenicity in humans of an edible vaccine for hepatitis B
( mucosal immune response | oral vaccine | surface antigen | transgenic
plant )

Yasmin Thanavala *, Martin Mahoney , Sribani Pal *, Adrienne Scott *¶,
Liz Richter ||**, Nachimuthu Natarajan , Patti Goodwin , Charles J.
Arntzen ||, and Hugh S. Mason ||
Departments of *Immunology, Cancer Prevention, Epidemiology, and
Biostatistics, and Institutional Protocols and Scientific Integrity,
Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY 14263; and ||The Boyce
Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Ithaca, NY 14853

Contributed by Charles J. Arntzen, January 7, 2005

A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluated the
immunogenicity of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) expressed in
potatoes and delivered orally to previously vaccinated individuals. The
potatoes accumulated HBsAg at 8.5 µg/g of potato tuber, and doses of 100
g of tuber were administered by ingestion. The correlate of protection
for hepatitis B virus, a nonenteric pathogen, is blood serum antibody
titers against HBsAg. After volunteers ate uncooked potatoes, serum
anti-HBsAg titers increased in 10 of 16 volunteers (62.5%) who ate three
doses of potatoes; in 9 of 17 volunteers (52.9%) who ate two doses of
transgenic potatoes; and in none of the volunteers who ate nontransgenic
potatoes. These results were achieved without the coadministration of a
mucosal adjuvant or the need for buffering stomach pH. We conclude that
a plant-derived orally delivered vaccine for prevention of hepatitis B
virus should be considered as a viable component of a global
immunization program.


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