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[SANET-MG] organic foods help you sleep, keep you thin and boost your immune system

Organic rats in rude good health
David Adam, science correspondent
Saturday February 19, 2005
The Guardian

Organic food can help you sleep, keep you slim and boost your immune
system - if you are a rat.
Scientists at the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences experimented
with 36 rats, feeding one group organic food, another group food grown
conventionally with high levels of fertiliser and some pesticide, and a
third group minimally fertilised food. They say the rats fed organic
food were measurably healthier, in that they slept better, had stronger
immune systems and were less obese.

Dr Kirsten Brandt of Newcastle University's school of agriculture, who
helped to design the study, said: "This study doesn't prove anything
about which food is better than the other, but it does show that it can
make a difference."

The results have been submitted to a scientific journal but have not yet
been published. They were released yesterday by the Danish Research
Centre for Organic Farming, which funded the study. It said: "In all
cases where differences were observed there was a beneficial effect of
the organically grown diet. This indicates a positive effect of
organically grown foods as compared to conventionally grown food."

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