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[SANET-MG] RR crops cause reduced pollen and seed set acknoledged in report

The problems of reduced seed set and pollen production related to
glyphosate accumulation in reproductive tissues is seldom mentioned by
promoters or even regulators even though the problem is very real.It has
been encountered in both cotton and maize. It is,however, difficult to
find a peer reviewed article that documents the problem. the article
below provides just such a reference.

Volume 61, Issue 3 (March 2005) Pest Management Science
Technical performance of some commercial glyphosate-resistant crops
Wendy Pline-Srnic *
Syngenta, Jealott's Hill International Research Centre, Bracknell,
Berkshire RG42 6EY, UK
email: Wendy Pline-Srnic (wendy.pline-srnic@syngenta.com)

*Correspondence to Wendy Pline-Srnic, Syngenta, Jealott's Hill
International Research Centre, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 6EY, UK
Paper presented at the symposium Herbicide-resistant crops from
biotechnology: current and future status, held by the Agrochemicals
Division of the American Chemical Society at the 227th National Meeting,
Anaheim, CA, 29-30 March 2004, to mark the presentation of the
International Award for Research in Agrochemicals To Dr Stephen O Duke.

Conference: Herbicide-resistant crops from biotechnology: current and
future status, Anaheim, CA, USA, 29 March 2004 to 30 March 2004.
Agrochemicals Division of the American Chemical Society.
glyphosate • glyphosate-resistance • transgenic crops • herbicide
resistance • CP4-EPSPS • plant pathogens
Glyphosate-resistant (GR) crops have been sold commercially in the USA
since 1996. The use of glyphosate alone or with conventional pre- and
post-emergence herbicides with different modes of action gives growers
many options for affordable, safe, easy, effective wide-spectrum weed
control. Despite the overwhelming popularity of this technology,
technical issues have surfaced from time to time as US growers adopt
these crops for use on their farms. The types of concern raised by
growers vary from year to year depending on the crop and the
environment, but include perceptions of increased sensitivity to
diseases, increased fruit abortion, reduced pollination efficiency,
increased sensitivity to environmental stress, and differences in yield
and agronomic characteristics between transgenic and sister conventional
varieties. Although several glyphosate-resistant crops are commercially
available, maize, soybean and cotton constitute the largest cultivated
acreage and have likewise been associated with the highest number of
technical concerns. Because glyphosate is rapidly translocated to and
accumulates in metabolic sink tissues, reproductive tissues and roots
are particularly vulnerable. Increased sensitivity to glyphosate in
reproductive tissues has been documented in both glyphosate-resistant
cotton and maize, and results in reduced pollen production and
viability, or increased fruit abortion. Glyphosate treatments have the
potential to affect relationships between the GR crop, plant pathogens,
plant pests and symbiotic micro-organisms, although management practices
can also have a large impact. Despite these potential technical
concerns, this technology remains popular, and is a highly useful tool
for weed control in modern crop production.

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