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[SANET-MG] time to comment on humanized rice being grown in Missouri

USDA/APHIS is requesting comments on field tests of humanized rice in
Missouri.There is little doubt that the human genes will invade food
rice if such tests are allowed.USDA/APHIS seemed to underestimated the
risk of spreading the human genes and they certainly ignored or deleted
all the numerous publications showing that adverse health may be
expected in humans and farm animals. I have indicated the URL for making
comments below. Both short comments and submitted briefs are accepted.

Ventria Bioscience, Sacramento, California, to grow genetically
engineered rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants in Scott County, Missouri.
These transgenic plants have been modified to express the human (Homo
sapiens) enzyme lysozyme and lactoferrin.
05-006-1  APHIS-2005-0013  Ventria Bioscience; Availability of
Environmental Assessment for Field Test of Genetically Engineered Rice
Expressing Lactoferrin  02-23-2005  General Docket  Notice  03-25-2005
05-007-1  APHIS-2005-0014  Ventria Bioscience; Availability of
Environmental Assessment for Field Test of Genetically Engineered Rice
Expressing Lysozyme  02-23-2005  General Docket  Notice  03-25-2005

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