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[SANET-MG] humanized rice out of Bootheel Missouri

Ventria Bioscience says it will move out of Bootheal. I wonder if
USDA/APHIS will require new comments for the amended proposal.The
original proposal had an an unusually large public response the majority
expressed opposition to the entire Ventria proposal. It is likely that
the humanized rice will spread to food crops no matter where it was
planted. Hopefully USDA/APHIS will not ignore the important issues
raised in the earlier public comments.

Missouri Net
Plans Scrapped For Growing Genetically Modified Rice In Bootheel
Anheuser-Busch Had Threatened Boycott Of SE Missouri Rice
by Steve Walsh
A threat pays off. Anheuser-Busch had threatened to stop buying rice
from growers in the Bootheel if a California-based company went ahead
with plans to plant genetically modified rice in that part of the state.
Ventria Bioscience plans to genetically engineer rice to produce human
proteins for use in drugs. It has agreed to amend its application with
the U.S. Department of Agriculture to plant its rice at least 120 miles
away from southeast Missouri's prime rice growing areas. Anheuser-Busch
had expressed concern that the genetically engineered rice had not been
declared safe for consumption and that it might have come into contact
with conventional rice.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

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