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[SANET-MG] Sustainable World, a Global Initiative for Food Sovereignty and Food Security

ISIS Press Release 27/05/05

Launch Conference
Register now! Space is limited, and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

A gathering of some of the world’s top talents in science, politics and economics to focus on sustainable food systems, to provide food security for all and ameliorate the worst excesses of global warming

Sustainable World is a Global Initiative launched by the Institute of Science in Society (ISIS) and the Independent Science Panel (ISP) on 6 April 2005 (http://www.i-sis.org.uk/SustainableWorldInitiativeF.php).

The international panel of speakers will reveal the wealth of existing knowledge for making our food systems sustainable, as well as the structural and policy changes necessary for implementing the knowledge.

Speakers for the Sustainable World Conference
Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher
ISP member, Head of Environment Protection Authority, Ethiopia, chief spokesperson for the African Union on biosafety and the protection of plant genetic resources, President of Sustainable World Global Initiative

Sustainable World, a Global Initiative for Food Sovereignty and Food Security

Mae-Wan Ho
ISP member, director of Sustainable World, pioneer of a new physics of organisms and sustainable systems, well known critic of GM crops and genetic determinism

Why We Need Sustainable Food Systems

Michael Meacher
Member of Parliament, UK, ex-Environment Minister negotiating the Biosafety Protocol, Kyoto Protocol and other important international treaties, champion of green issues and independent science, Sustainable World sponsor

Policies for Food and Sustainable Systems, National and Global

Martin Khor
ISP member, director of Third World Network, Malaysia, Sustainable World partner, prominent spokesperson for the Third World at the World Trade Organisation

How Globalisation Stands in the Way of a Sustainable World

Alan Simpson
Member of Parliament, UK, leading voice in debates about a sustainable future, from ending fuel poverty to food justice, voted "Environmental Politician of the Year", Sustainable World sponsor

Food and Energy Security: Local Systems, Global Solidarity

Caroline Lucas
Member of European Parliament, prominent spokesperson against GMOs and globalisation and champion of important green issues, Sustainable World sponsor

How the European Union Can Pave the Way to a Sustainable World

David Woodward
ISP member, director of Global and National Economies Programme at New Economics Foundation, UK, Sustainable World sponsor

The New Economics and Sustainable Food Systems

Speaker from ActionAid (to be confirmed)
Sustainable Food and Poverty Alleviation

Speaker from Weston A. Price Foundation (to be announced)
Sustainable World sponsor

Whole Foods for Health and Sustainable Agriculture

Erkki Lahde
Finland’s foremost forester, Union of Ecoforestry, Finland, Sustainable World sponsor

Multiple Uses of Forests; Experience in Finland

Margi Lennartsson
ISP member, chief scientist of HDRA Organics, UK, Sustainable World sponsor

Sustainable Organic Agriculture for Britain and the Third World

Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher
(see above)

Organic Agriculture as a National Strategy for Food Security

Ingrid Hartman
ISP member, Humboldt University, Germany, Member of UN Steering Committee of Nutrition, the African Ecological Economic Society and German-Ethiopian Association for the promotion of cultural exchange and academic and economic collaborations

Soil, Climate, Productivity and Environmental Justice

Peter Bunyard
ISP member, science editor and a founding editor of The Ecologist, author of numerous books and articles and much sought-after speaker on climate change and nuclear energy, Fellow of the Linnean Society

Saving the Amazon Rainforest and Sustainable Use

Hira Jhamtani
Board member of Konphalindo, Indonesia, Sustainable World sponsor, pioneer in advocating the precautionary principle in genetic engineering and appropriate regulatory framework for biosafety, also advocates and facilitates sustainable agriculture through education, workshops and publication

Water Conservation and Seed Saving for Sustainable Agriculture in Indonesia

Hannu Hyvönen
Northern Heritage, Finland, Sustainable World sponsor

The Importance of Seed Heritage

Date: 14-15 July (Note times and venues for the two days)

Times and venues:

14 July (16:00h – 19:00h; Atlee Suite, House of Commons, Westminster, London

Conference dinner (19:30 to 22:00; venue to be announced)

15 July (9:00h - 17:50h; room 1.10, Franklin-Wilkins Building, Kings College, London University Waterloo Campus

Registration Fees for the conference are waived for Friends of ISIS, and half-price for Sustainable World Sponsors.

For all other attendees registering before June 21:

Entire conference

(includes buffet lunch on 15 July and coffee and tea) £40

14 July only £25

15 July only £30

Conference dinner (3 courses), optional £30

There will be a 20% surcharge for those registering after June 21

Please register online: http://www.i-sis.org.uk/SWreg.php, or fill in the registration form mail cheque to: Sustainable World conference, ISIS, PO Box 32097, London NW1 0XR, UK. For other methods of payment, please contact Swenquiries@I-sis.org.uk

Print the registration form, and post it with payment to:
Sam Burcher,
The Institute of Science in Society,
PO Box 32097,
London NW1 OXR

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