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[SANET-MG] monsanto ordered to make secret study public

Monsanto ordered to make secret study public

Brussels, 20 June 2005 A German law court (1) today ordered biotechnology firm Monsanto to disclose a suppressed report on rat feeding trials related to the company's genetically modified maize MON863. The decision follows a campaign by Greenpeace to gain access to the document under EU law. EU environment ministers will vote on the maize's import authorisation this Friday, 24 June.

"This ruling is a victory for transparency over company secrecy regarding the impacts of genetically modified organisms. EU member states should not be pushed into approving this maize before independent scientists have had a chance to examine the findings," said Eric Gall, Greenpeace European Unit GMO policy adviser.

Monsanto has consistently tried to prevent the publication of the 1,000-page document, after concerns were raised regarding the health impact on rats of MON863.

The German state endorsed Greenpeace requests to access the document under EU law, but Monsanto introduced a case against Germany to prevent the disclosure. Today's decision overrules the company's appeal against the decision in this case, originally delivered on 10 June 2005.

Two renowned toxicology experts - Gilles-Eric Séralini and Arpad Pusztai - will present their analysis of the study at a Greenpeace press conference in Berlin on Wednesday.

On Friday, environment Ministers will vote not only on MON863 but also on so-called national bans imposed by five member states against the use and cultivation of GMOs.

Eric Gall, Greenpeace European Unit GMO policy adviser, tel +32 (0)496 161 582 Christoph Then, Greenpeace International GMO campaigner (in Germany), tel +49 171 878 0832 Katharine Mill, Greenpeace European Unit media officer, tel +32 (0)496 156 229

1. Oberverwaltungsgericht Münster

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