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Re: [SANET-MG] long term impact of GM canola on biodiversity

Hi Dale,
The British researchers have looked into the impact of herbicide tolerant oilseed rape (canola) and maize on biodiversity. Biodiversity includes not only weeds but invertebrates and vertebrates , noteworthy are the impacts on songbirds. Songbirds are considered a treasure in Britain while USA and Canada are so consumed by immediate profit that birds and other insect predators are not considered even though their loss will lead to disastrous long term consequences.USDA-APHIS and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency seem to have no regard for biodiversity and have done little or nothing to study long term impacts on biodiversity. Dale I think your view promotes no biodiversity on crop land but limits biodiversity to tiny islands in an ocean of sterile mono culture. Even that island biodiversity will be permitted only so long as it is very well behaved and does not encroach on the mono culture ocean. The consequences of your thoughts point directly towards costly food requiring expensive defense against growing predators or even worse to famine. sincerely,Joe
Dale Wilson wrote:


"Effects of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant cropping
systems on weed seedbanks in two years of following crops"
L.G. Firbank, et. al.

"genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) cropping systems
could influence farmland biodiversity because of their effects on
weed biomass and seed production... ...a switch to GMHT crops significantly affected weed seedbanks for
at least 2 years after the crops were sown...

Yeah, of course.  These herbicide-resistant varieties do a good job
controlling weeds.  That is why farmers buy them.  Rather than looking
for species diversity *within* monocultured row crops (mostly futile
anyway), you get a lot more diversity by maintaining hedgrows and
adjacent wild places.  Farmers need weed control, whether done with a
hoe or with Roundup.  The better the weed control the lower the weed
seed production.  Is that a surprise?


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