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Re: [SANET-MG] GM soybeans and effective proteins

Hi Neal,
It seems to me you have made a very important discovery. I hope that you will be able to get a research grant to follow up you initial findings. Nobody has, I believe, published a complete comparison of the protein profiles of isogenic rr compared to conventional soy and that should be done. However, there are unique and unexpected RNA and protein molecules produced by scrambling the glyphosate resistance gene (1) and Korean investigators found unique and unexpected allergens in rr soy(2) These two papers show you that rrsoy is not substantially equivalent conventional soy. Sincerely,Joe

  1. Rang A, Linke B and Jansen B. Detection of RNA variants
     transcribed from the transgene in Roundup Ready soybean. /Eur Food
     Res Technol /2005, 220, 438-43.
  2. Yum HY, Lee S-Y, Lee K-E, Sohn M-H and Kim K-E. Genetically
     modified and wild soybeans: an immunologic comparison. /Allergy
     and Asthma Proc./ 2005, 26, 210-6.

Neal Van Milligen wrote:

Does anybody have an opinion on whether Roundup Ready soybeans have a significantly altered protein content? Specifically, we are testing soybean products as a fish attractant. So far we have been very successful with a variety of fish and shell fish. Recently we tried the same types of experiments with Roundup Ready beans made into meal and then into the fish attractant. We found somewhat less effective results. Of course one series of tests prove nothing but it did make me curious. I have a theory that some of the proteins in beans mimic the attractant fish find in other fish. But if the GM bean are basically different we may not see the same results. Neal Van Milligen
www.KentuckyEnrichment.com <http://www.KentuckyEnrichment.com>
cavm@aol.com <mailto:cavm@aol.com>



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