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Re: [SANET-MG] Mercury in Fish Meal

Hi Alan Ismond,
It is fiendishly difficult to find data on mercury in fish meal. There is one report "Johnston, J.N. & Savage, G.P., 1991, Mercury consumption and toxicity with reference to fish and fishmeal, Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews (Series A), 61, 74-116. There are tables of mercury contents of fish meal. Most of the mercury in the raw material is retained in the meal. High mercury contents are found in meals from high trophic level carnivores such as dogfish, and in fish from polluted waters, such as fish from the North American great lakes. The median total mercury concentration in a table of 32 fish meals, , is 0.22 mg mercury/kg. Methylmercury is about 85% of this". In Canada fish with 0.50 mg/kg mercury are exempt from warning on mercury consumption by people. The chicken waste is then fed to cattle. FAO has a book on commercial Coprophagia with many "tasty" recipes for chicken and feed lot poop. One FAO report:http://www.fao.org/docrep/004/x6518e/X6518E04.htm indicated that cattle fed waste litter from broiler hens had a threefold increase in mercury in their internal organs. It is always a shock to see how extensive poop feeding is in commercial meat production. FAO does however, provide advice on techniques such as fermentation of the animal waste to make it safer.; However, it is clear that chicken poop feeding to sheep and cattle has a drawback in the bio-magnification of mercury and arsenic in the food chain.
Hope this helps, sincerely, joe cummins

Aquatfs@AOL.COM wrote:

In a message dated 10/29/2005 20:00:21 Pacific Standard Time, LISTSERV@LISTS.IFAS.UFL.EDU writes:

    "Maybe from "fish meal" in the chicken feed? "

    Yes. According to the Alternative Medicine Review, mercury in
    poultry comes
    from fish meal in the diet:

Wouldn't the presence and level or absence of mercury in fish meal depend on the species of fish rendered? Is the assumption that all fish meal contains mercury? Is there data to support this claim? Alan Ismond, P.Eng.
Aqua-Terra Consultants



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