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[SANET-MG] dream farm workshop

The Independent Science Panel
Promotion of Science for the Public Good http://www.indsp.org
General Enquiries info@indsp.org Website/Mailing List info@indsp.org

Dear ISP members and sponsors of our Sustainable World Initiative,

The Institute of Science in Society (ISIS) is planning a weekend workshop, Dream Farm , 21- 22 January 2006, as part of our Sustainable World Initiative launched earlier this year.

Our weekend workshop came about as the result of a proposal led by ISIS and submitted to the Carbon Trust - to set up for demonstration and education purposes, a highly productive integrated farm that's energy self- sufficient and reduces wastes and carbon dioxide emissions to a minimum: the Integrated Reduced Emissions Food and Energy (IREFE) farm . It combines the best of indigenous knowledge and the most appropriate new technologies to showcase a post-fossil fuel economy.

The idea is based on the work of Prof. George Chan of Mauritius, environmental engineer who trained in Imperial College, whom we featured in the article "Dream Farm" in the current issue of our quarterly house magazine, Science in Society . George Chan has perfected a version of the farm that best suits Third World countries and has been responsible for setting up dozens of them in Brazil, South Africa, India, now Mauritius and elsewhere.

George Chan is coming through London in January, and we are taking the opportunity to put on the weekend workshop. Apart from George Chan, there will be London Mayor Dr. Ken Livingstone, to speak on his vision of a sustainable London; Eur. Ing. Kenneth Spelman, planner/designer of sustainable development projects around the world to speak about ecocities, Martin Khor, director of the Third World Network, well known for his opposition to WTO-style globalisation will speak on trade policies that can help the poor, Lawrence Woodward, Director of Elm Farm Research Centre to speak on organic agriculture, Julian Oram from ActionAid to speak on the effects of the global food trade on third world people, and myself, director of ISIS, to speak on the IREFE project.

The purpose of the workshop is to explore common aims in building sustainable food systems for the developing and developed world, but somewhat different implementations, making maximum use of locally available resources, taking advantage of appropriate new technologies, and arranging to 'gift' these technologies to the third world. We shall also explore the most appropriate international and national policies for sustainable food systems that benefit both the developed and developing world.

The workshop will be small and will be limited to about 40 participants, so we can have in- depth discussions. We are giving priority to ISP members and sponsors of Sustainable World Initiative. Enclosed is a first announcement of the workshop to invite you to pre- register and reserve a place before we send it out to the general public. We anticipate a lot of interest, so please send in your details as soon as possible. Be sure to state that you are member of the Independent Science Panel or a Sustainable World sponsor.

Best wishes,

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Director Institute of Science in Society and
Sustainable World Initiative

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