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[SANET-MG] Ben and Jerry and GM ice cream

July 9, 2006

Prof. Joe Cummins

Environmentalists Ben and Jerry may feed children genetically modified Ice Cream

The Ben and Jerry brand of ice cream is not only tasty but it flaunts its roots in “organic” food. Company information is found at: http://www.benjerry.com/

In August, 2000 - Company purchased by Unilever for $43.60 per share. In spite of that Ben and Jerry continue to flaunt their progressive roots and have founded organizations to support children’s issues and organic concerns., for example: “We started TrueMajority in order to compound the power of all those who believe in social justice, giving children a decent start in life, protecting the environment, and America working in cooperation with the world community…. Here’s how True Majority works: We monitor what’s going on in Washington based on the principles of peace, justice, and sustainability.”

Ben and Jerry’s corporate dictator is Unilever who introduced an ice structuring protein (antifreeze protein) into sorbets, water ice, fruit ice, frozen desserts, iced smoothies - and ice cream. The ice structuring protein (ISP) originated from a gene of an arctic fish (ocean pout) but its production had to be genetically manipulated to provide production without causing extinction of the fish. A synthetic approximation of the ISP gene was transferred to the chromosomes of bakers yeast and the protein was produced in fermentation chambers. The final ISP preparation derived from this process is a mixture of ISP type III HPLC 12, glycosylated ISP, proteins and peptides from the yeast used to produce ISP, and sugars, acids, and salts that are commonly found in food.

In nature sugars are added to many proteins and this species specific pattern sugar pattern on the protein may trigger the immune system to cause allergy or inflammation. The genetically modified yeast cells were mostly eliminated in preparation of the ISP destined for ice cream but the ISP protein retained a sugar pattern typical of yeast. However, government regulators accepted the companies contention that the sugar patterns imposed on ISP by yeast would be harmless because yeast did not cause immunity problems in humans. ( human pharmaceutical proteins produced in yeast actually caused problems requiring that yeast be genetically modified to produce humanized sugar patterns but Unilever did not use such humanized yeast ). Furthermore, the corporation argued that the ISP proteins made in yeast were identical to the pouter ISP even though they had yeast sugar patterns, thus the ISP produced in yeast was not genetically modified even though it was produced by genetically modified yeast. Even though the argument appears to be feckless it was taken to heart by government regulators (government regulators are notoriously cooperative and uncritical). The Unilever ice cream producers deny that the ice cream contains genetically modified protein but that claim ignores the origin of yeast ISP from a synthetic gene and the sugar pattern imposed on it by the genetic makeup of the yeast.

Unilever reported efforts to test the allergic response to yeast ISP by studying the response to yeast ISP in the blood of people suffering from allergy to cod fish. This experiment was deceptive because the cod allergy is caused by a cod blood protein unrelated grouper ISP and it proves nothing and provides specious public relations benefits. Furthermore, Unilever provided evidence based on negative tests for the World Health Organization recommended laboratory tests for allergic response to Novel Foods. The definition of Novel Foods is a food that has not previously been used as food, results from a process that has not previously been used for food , or has been used as food, but has been modified such that: the food results from genetic manipulation and exhibits one or more characteristics that were not previously identified in that food, or the food results from production by a genetically manipulated organism exhibiting such new characteristics(1). In spite of their use of tests for genetically modified food Unilever maintained that the ice cream protein was not genetically modified!

Some countries have relaxed labeling requirements for foods to which proteins produced from synthetic genes and recombinant organisms have been added provided that the proteins have an amino acid sequence similar to a naturally produced protein. However, the patterns of added sugars often determine immune responses such as allergy and inflammation. If labels are not provided for foods manufactured with protein produced from recombinant organisms serious human injury from such foods may go undetected in a huge unsuspecting population.

A fuller brief on problems associated with the yeast (pouter)ISP is provided on the Institute for Science and Society website : GM Protein in Ice Cream Genetically modified fish antifreeze protein is potentially able to cause inflammation and should not be approved without comprehensive tests (2).

In conclusion, foods produced using proteins produced using synthetic genes and novel organisms should be labeled regardless of any gross similarity to proteins produced in natural organisms. A failure to heed such provisions can lead to extensive human injury. Ben and Jerry , it is hoped, will reveal any use yeast-pouter fish ISP in their products. I have asked Ben and Jerry to tell me whether or not they use the yeast (pouter) ISP in their ice cream. Until they reply I will avoid a major secret pleasure, a Ben and Jerry Phish Food® Ice Cream at bedtime.

Those of us who study the use of genetically modified organisms in food, feed and pharmaceuticals need to be alert about the current regulatory jiggery pokery in the area of food and feed additives and insure that the public is alerted to the use of synthetic genes and novel organisms to produce such additives. The public deserves such vital information.


1.Definition of Novel Food http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/legislation/guide-ld/nvvli_e.html

2. Prof. Joe Cummins, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Malcolm Hooper GM Protein in Ice Cream :Genetically modified fish antifreeze protein is potentially able to cause inflammation and should not be approved without comprehensive tests ISIS Press Release 04/07/06 http://www.i-sis.org.uk/GMPIIC.php


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