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[SANET-MG] can people be described as being organic or not

Genetic modification and genetic determinism
David B Resnik  and Daniel B Vorhaus

Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2006, 1:9 doi:10.1186/1747-5341-1-9

Published   26 June 2006


In this article we examine four objections to the genetic modification of human beings: the freedom argument, the giftedness argument, the authenticity argument, and the uniqueness argument. We then demonstrate that each of these arguments against genetic modification assumes a strong version of genetic determinism. Since these strong deterministic assumptions are false, the arguments against genetic modification, which assume and depend upon these assumptions, are therefore unsound. Serious discussion of the morality of genetic modification, and the development of sound science policy, should be driven by arguments that address the actual consequences of genetic modification for individuals and society, not by ones propped up by false or misleading biological assumptions.

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