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Hi Wytze and Dale,
The rice event LL601 has not yet been approved even though USDA has been petitioned for a retroactive approval of the event. LLrice62 was tested in Arkansas and Louisana while event LL rice 06 was tested in California. All three of these are glufosinate tolerant and orignated using a similar plasmid to transform the rice.events. Events 62 and 06 have been deregulated while 601 was never deregulated. Off course, pollution by deregulated GM crops is not taken seriously in USA and for that matter in EU. Pollution by an event that has not yet been approved is taken seriously in EU and even somewhat in USA. How can you tell between the three events?.Normally this is done by probing the flanking DNA sequences on the chromosome along with the a plasmid sequence but even events from a particular plasmid are sometimes scrambeled differently in the chromosome insertion. Are events from a plasmid insertion taken to be equally safe? Not at all! These must all be approved indiviually.Dale's approach would pick up both the pollution from events both approved for commercial planting anf not appporoved for commercial planting..
Turning to related questions, field testing of LLrice62 was I understand done in Hope Arkansas.Normally, when the petition is finally filed for LLRice 601 the test sites will be revealed. I was told that at least one test site was in or near Stuttgart, Arkansas but that will be clarified as soon as APHIS posts the petition document The earlier test site for the earlier LLRice strains in Arkansas was in Hope ,Arkansas on the west side of the state while Stuttgart, Arkansas is due east on the other side of the state. However, staff members from the USDA labs in Stuttgart were co-authors of the pollen dispersal study.in the petition. The Stuttgart USDA Laboratory is the home of the rice genome seed bank GM pollution of the seeds in that bank would be a terrible catastrophe. At any rate, USDA was absolutely aware of the spread of the GM rice pollen because they co-authored the study documenting it..
Hope my reply helps , in this matter. sincerly, jeo cummins

> Dr. Brian John wrote:
> Furthermore, since no reference materials or genetic
> characterisations have been provided by Bayer for LL601
> and the other redundant varieties, nobody knows what to
> look for or how to do the tests. Very convenient.

All these LL varieties are glufosinate resistant (LL means
Liberty-Link). All they have to do is use a PCR primer for the bar
gene.  The liberty link trait is so common (having been used as a
selectable marker in Bt corn) surely every Ag-PCR lab can screen for


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