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The Bayer LLRICE601 USDA Extension Petition on the USDA/APHIS website is 85 pages long. About 10 pages deal with administration . Off the remaining 72 pages 25 pages are all or nearly completely blank , designated CBI. The earlier petition on rice was much longer and had no pages designated CBI. The areas designated CBI are the areas of the DNA sequence allowing independent measurements. As well the earlier test sites for LLRICE601 appear to all have been designated CBI as were the trial results. In previous petitions USDA has not allowed such crude use of CBI. Bayer and its lawyers seem to have gone CBI berserk but USDA did not have to allow them that insult to the public. It is nearly impossible to make any judgment about the rice and its contamination due to the cloud of CBI.. More disturbingly, USDA seems to be a co-conspirator in withholding essential information from the world. sadly

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