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[SANET-MG] gm crops for health 2

part 2
gm crops for health?
Storage proteins
Cassava is a staple food for over 500 million people in the tropics. Its root is rich in starch and contains proteins with a balanced amino acid composition, but at low concentrations. In order to add a storage protein with a balanced amino acid composition, a completely synthetic gene was inserted that had codons optimised for plants, and placed under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter and the nos terminator. A hygromycin antibiotic resistance gene served as the selectable marker. Nutritional improvement of the cassava root was reported [10, 11]. A synthetic gene expressing a synthetic protein is a novel approach, and requires extra careful scrutiny, especially with regard to allergenic and other immunogenic potentials. The nutritional value of transgenic potato was increased using the seed albumin gene from Amaranthus hypochondriacus (Prince-of-Wales feather). The transgene was driven by a tuber-specific promoter for high levels of protein production in the tuber. The transgenic protein was believed to be non-allergenic based on a single experiment with mouse pups injected with tuber, which were found to produce IgG antibodies but not the IgE antibodies of allergy [12]. IgG antibodies may be associated with inflammation, which could be quite severe, but that effect was not studied. We should be extremely wary of transgenic proteins, as even gene transfer between closely related species will alter the glycosylation patterns of proteins and hence its immunogenicity. A harmless bean protein turned into a potent immunogen when transferred to pea, eliciting serious inflammation reactions in mice [13, 14] (Transgenic Pea that Made Mice Ill). Such considerations apply to all transgenic proteins discussed here. Soybean is an important protein source in both food and feed. However it is deficient in sulphur amino-acids, particularly methionine. A methionine-rich maize delta-zein storage protein was used to transform soybean, but it failed to increase the methionine content of seed flour [15]. Storage protein was enhanced in rice, but only by introducing transgenes into low storage protein mutant strains that had “room” in the seed for the transgenic protein [16].

Enzymes for improved food processing
Glutenin is a major storage protein in barley. Barley is malted to make beer. During malting, glutenin is digested by a beta-glucanase enzyme. The heat stability of the enzyme can be problematic during industrial scale malting. A heat stable hybrid enzyme was made from genes of two bacillus bacteria species, with codon adjustments in the DNA sequence to enhance protein synthesis in barley. The synthetic hybrid gene is reported to have improved the malting characteristics of the transgenic barley [17, 18], but the fate and safety of the transgenic glucanase is unknown. As in the enhancement of storage proteins, genetic engineering for improved food processing requires much more in-depth research. Marker assisted selection may be the best way forward, as has been used in improving the carbohydrates of cereals [19].

Cancer fighting and health promoting nutrients
There is a growing effort to enhance production of cancer fighting antioxidants and related plant products that reduce the risk of cancer and improve health in many ways. The evidence that organically grown crops are richer in cancer fighting antioxidants [20, 21] (Organic Agriculture Helps Fight Cancer; Organic Strawberries Stop Cancer Cells) seems to have spurred biotechnologists on to create GM crops with enhanced levels of these compounds. Flavonoids are the plant antioxidants that have received the most attention among biotechnologists. In feats of metabolic engineering, novel structural or regulatory genes, antisense or sense suppressing genes, have all been introduced in efforts to enhance flavonoid production [22]. Tomato has been the first target. Red wine is rich in the flavonoid stilbene, thought to be responsible its health benefit in preventing heart disease, and much effort has been devoted to metabolically engineering tomato to produce high levels of stilbene. Stilbene is provided by a gene from petunia flower, which was up regulated in tomato fruit by regulatory genes from maize. To further increase flavone production, genes from grape, alfalfa and the flower Gerbera were also incorporated into the tomato, resulting in the production of high levels of health related flavonoids [23]. But the safety of the transgenic tomato containing so many transgenes has not been addressed. In another experiment, phenolic precursors of the health related flavonoids, lignans and phenols were enhanced in tomato by down regulating a competing metabolic pathway using RNAi to inhibit the gene for cinnanomyl-CoA reductase [24]. The use of RNAi in genetic engineering food crops and animals has been put into question by the recent observation that RNAi caused excessive fatality in mice due to the over-saturation of RNAi pathways [25, 26] (Gene Therapy Nightmare for Mice). The human C-reactive proteins are associated with cardiovascular risk, mice modified with human C-reactive proteins fed transgenic flavonoid tomato showed a greater decrease in C-reactive protein than mice fed conventional tomato [27]. Tomatoes transformed with the grape stilbene synthase gene driven by the CaMV promoter to provide constitutive synthesis showed increased ascorbate and glutathione; the soluble and total antioxidant activity was enhanced while lipid peroxidation was decreased [28]. Engineered polyamine accumulation in tomato enhanced phytonutrient content, juice quality and vine life [29, 30]. The problem with polyamine accumulation is the impact of the polyamines putresine and cadaverine, which are well known to impair human health [31] (Drought Resistant GM Rice Toxic?); and hence the promoters of genetically modified wine yeast claim that its greatest benefit is in decreasing polyamine content of the wine. Perhaps, eating high polyamine tomatoes will cause severe hangovers? Tomatoes were also modified with the genes for enzymes that enhanced production of phytosterols by altering the isoprenoid pathway. The genes influencing isoprenoid formation were isolated from Arabidopsis and the bacterium E. coli. A chloroplast transit gene from tomato was attached to the isoprenoid genes, allowing both cytoplasmic and chloroplast isoprenoid pathways to be enhanced, and the modified tomatoes produced elevated phytosterols [32]. Tomatoes are not the only crop to be genetically modified for human health benefits, apple too, has been modified to enhance stilbene synthesis. A gene for stilbene synthase from grape, with the wound/pathogen inducible promoter also from grape, was introduced into apple along with the bar gene for herbicide tolerance driven by the nos promoter. The transgenic apple showed an increase in the stilbene reveratrol and in total flavonoids [33]. Seed phytosterol levels were enhanced in tobacco using a shortened gene for a rubber tree enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-CoA reductase (the gene was shortened to remove a cell membrane binding domain to increase activity in seeds). Phytosterol was increased more than 3 fold to 3.5 percent of the seed oil [34]. Presumably, such constructs will be transferred to food oil crops such as canola, soybean or maize. Metabolic engineering of proanthocyanidins using genes for anthocyanidin reductase and for the Myb protein transcription factor from Arabidopsis provided a way to enhance the (epi)-flavan-3-ol antioxidants. The antioxidants not only provide health benefits to humans, but also prevent bloating in ruminants. Tobacco was transformed to produce quantities of antioxidant capable of preventing bloating in ruminants. Anthocyanidin reductase alone enhanced antioxidant production in a forage legume annual alfalfa, Medicago truncatula, but the levels were not sufficient to prevent bloating in ruminants [35]. It is worth mentioning that the Myb family of transcription activators was first discovered as a viral oncogene (cancer-associated gene). Even though the factor is prevalent in plants, its amplified use in transgenic food and feed requires thorough risk assessment and safety testing.

A 2004 review of micronutrients in staple food crops and plant breeding for improvements [36] identified a crisis in the availability of certain micronutrients globally. Children (primarily the poor) may be dying from deficiencies of iron, zinc and vitamin A, in particular. The problem is best addressed through agriculture, and biotech proponents have put forward solutions; though they are certainly not the only solutions. Sustainable farming practices that emphasize internal organic inputs can address the problem of micronutrient deficiencies across the board, without the need for genetic modifications [21, 37] (Dream Farm 2 - Story So Far). Carotenoid, the precursor to vitamin A, can be over-produced in plants by either direct insertion of transgenes or by altering the flux of metabolites to carotenoid synthesis [38]. “Golden rice” was promoted as the answer to vitamin A deficiency. The entire beta -carotene biosynthesis pathway had been engineered into rice endosperm in a single transformation step. The genes for phytoene synthase (psy) and lycopene beta-cyclase (beta-lcy) originated from the daffodil and the gene for phytoene desaturase (crt1) from bacteria [39]. The daffodil gene psy was subsequently replaced with maize psy to enhance synthesis in rice. Recent versions of golden indica rice used an endosperm-specific promoter for psy and CaMV promoters for beta-icy and crt1. Selection was done using a mannose medium in cell culture, based on co-transformation of the rice with a phosphomannose isomerase gene driven by a cestrum yellow leaf curling virus promoter. Mannose selection depends on the enzyme phosphomannose isomerase converting mannose-phosphate, which cannot be metabolised by the plant cell, to fructose-phosphate, which can be metabolised. Unmodified cells accumulate mannose-phosphate, causing them to die from starvation. Mannose selection avoids antibiotic resistance marker selection and the carry over of resistance genes into food. Antibiotic resistance markers have also been removed from golden indica rice by cross breeding and selection [40]. The Institute of Science in Society critically reviewed golden rice in 2000 [41]. Among the major concerns was that the rice produced too little beta-carotene to relieve the existing dietary deficiency. Since then, golden rice strains have been improved, but still fall short of relieving dietary deficiency. On the other hand, increasing the level of beta-carotene may cause vitamin A overdose for those consuming a normal balanced diet with multiple carotene sources. Vitamin A supplements taken during pregnancy can cause birth defect, and even moderate to small doses may induce birth defects (perhaps subtle) during early gestation [42]. In fact, both vitamin A deficiency and supplementation may cause birth defects [43], and it seems that the developers of golden rice are caught between a rock and a hard place. This is where labelling is absolutely necessary if golden rice is to be sold in the market, to alert sensitive people of its potential adverse impacts. Vitamin E genetically engineering has begun. Plants are the source of vitamin E, a class of compounds called tocochromanols comprising four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. Corn seed oil, soybean seed oil and wheat germ oil are all rich in tocopherols. Vitamin E enhancement has been achieved by mutation and by genetic manipulation. Arabidopsis has been the main source of genes to enhance production of vitamin E by over-expression in Arabidopsis, canola and soybean. Further metabolic engineering of the tocochromanol pathways may lead to greater production of the most significant tocopherols [44, 45]. Vitamin E supplementation has been promoted for preventing heart disease and cancer [46] and in treating cancer [47]. However, vitamin E supplementation caused significantly elevated ovarian cancer in one study [48], while another major study found that high dosage supplementation increased all-cause mortality and should be avoided [49]. Like vitamin A, vitamin E over-production in food crops is of dubious value, and may indeed be harmful. Vitamin C is commercially synthesized from glucose. The vitamin has been produced in modified bacteria and yeast and these approaches may have some limited advantage over chemical synthesis [50]. Plants have been subject to metabolic engineering to over produce vitamin C, but the increases have been very modest [51]. Folate levels have been enhanced in Arabidopsis using the bacterial gene encoding the enzyme GTP cyclohydrolase [52], but with yet no success when transferred to crop plants [53]. Folate enhancement is a global public health issue. In Canada, USA and Chile, flour is fortified with folate, resulting is a striking decrease in neural tube birth defects while in Europe, where fortification is not mandatory, there has been no decline in neural tube defects [54]. In an area of China where neural tube defects appeared in 1.4 percent of births, a public information campaign was run to promote folate supplement for women of childbearing age, but the campaign failed. Folate fortified flour is inexpensive and would probably have prevented the birth defects [55]. In the immediate future, mandatory supplementation will prove more effective than genetic modification. B vitamins include riboflavin (B2) and pantothenate (B5). Their metabolic pathways in crop plants are known, but there has been no success as yet to engineer over- production of the vitamins in food crops [56, 57]. The metabolic pathways of vitamin synthesis in food crops are well understood. This knowledge can be exploited for marker assisted breeding to enhance vitamin production much more profitably than genetic modification.

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