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[SANET-MG] center for food safety comments on LLRICE601 petition fpr non-regulated status

gm watch has posted the center for food safety petition for non-regulated status. The document is very strong and worth studying. I have followed most of the comments posted to USDA/APHIS on the petition(over 500). Many comments came from rice farmers who believe that the petition will get them off the hook in the global market as the center comments. The farmers comments were mainly a plea to get them of the hook.It seems to me that Bayer should be getting them off the hook, not USDA?
The Center for Food Safety's comments on Bayer's petition for "deregulation" by the US authorities (via APHIS - the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) of its rogue GM rice LL601.
Deregulation, as the Center for Food Safety note below, is a process intended specifically to clear a crop for unregulated commercial cultivation and sale. In this case, it is also intended to get Bayer off the hook for screwing up the US rice trade.

The Center for Food Safety's full comments, including all references, can be found here: http://www.gmwatch.org/archive2.asp?arcid=7119 ---

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