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Re: [SANET-MG] Rats

Hi Neal,
Thanks for the comment. My first thought is that the Russian studies should be presumed valid until proved otherwise. Similar animal studies have not yet been reported from US or Europe. Next, could human babies be hurt by eating gm soy? The key to the promotion of gm foods has been that they must not be labeled as gm. The official claim by bureaucrats is that nobody has been hurt by consuming gm foods is totally unscientific because the unlabeled foods cannot be traced to be associated with human illness, Several years ago my colleague, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, pointed out that food related illness has increased since the introduction of unlabeled gm foods and I believe that is even more true currently. As EU begins to accept and label gm foods scientific studies of the impact of such foods will be possible.Of course the labeling of gm foods will cause squeal of pain from the pro gm advocates and public relations folks because they do not want us to know. Some local agriculture professors have claimed that gm food labeling would cause a huge increase in food prices, that is, of course, only in their wildest dreams.
sincerely, joe cummins
Neal Van Milligen wrote:
Joe, I don't know much about GM soy and nothing about rats but if there were such a huge issue with GM soy killing the young who at it wouldn't hog farmers around the world be yelling about sudden mortality issues? What about poultry farmers and dairy as well as beef? Or does this issue only effect rats? Just my thoughts. Neal



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