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[SANET-MG] is gm wine in EU?

From : The Pew Initiative Reprot on GM wine and Grapes http://pewagbiotech.org/events/0709/WorkshopReport.pdf "Van Vuuren reported earlier that several wineries were using the ML01 yeast as of a few years ago; it is not known if they or others are using it today or exporting wines containing it. The company marketing these GE yeast has no legal obligation to identify their customers and has not done so. Van Vuuren said he had heard that some European wineries were buying the yeast in California and shipping it to Europe. The question thus becomes, are some U.S. and European wineries using this GM yeast for commercial production, or merely for research purposes? If the yeast is being used in producing commercial wines, and these wines are being exported to countries in which it has not yet been approved for use, what can or should the
wine industry do about it?"
Presently there are no well established methods to detect GM wine made using GM yeast ML01

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