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[SANET-MG] synthetic genes to eradicate malaria

Anti Malaria Mosquitoes: The new transgenic mosquito is interesting and may prove valuable in malaria eradication. However, the transgenic mosquito and the synthetic gene and synthetic peptide that it produces will have to be tested to insure that it is not a toxin for humans and for wild an domestic animals.The peptides bind to the guts of the mosquitoes preventing the malaria parasite from infecting the mosquito. The synthetic peptide produced by the mosquito may be injected into the human or animals that the mosquito feeds on. A number of 12 amino acid peptide toxins somewhat similar the the synthetic peptide produced by the mosquito are known. There is no report available showing that the peptide of the mosquito has been tested for its safety in humans and animals .Once those safety tests are concluded the transgenic animals may be released to the environment in test areas but the mosquitoes should not be released until the tests are completed. The synthetic peptides were screened using a bacteria phage display, from this active peptide was identified. A synthetic gene specifying the peptide was constructed then joined to a PiggyBac transponson along with a gut specific promoter from the mosquito. The transposon was used to transform the malaria mosquito . The transposon for transformation was inactivated so that it could no longer be transfered to other insects or to insect viruses. However, the insect viruses could re-capture the synthetic peptide and spread it to other insects. This may not be a disaster so long as the synthetic peptide is proved to be safe for exposing humans and animals.

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