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[SANET-MG] there has been a myth that GM crops reduce pesticide use

The problem is that GM crops turn into weeds during rotations such as those between rr corn and rr soybeans.
Now Monsanto is rewarding those who add select herbicides to control the gm weeds. The new addition is very toxic restricted  fast acting herbicides that contain the active ingredient  acetochlor. That herbicide ingredient is moderately toxic to bees according to a fact sheet on pesticides toxic to bees put out by Ohio State university.
WALNUT CREEK, CA -- Valent U.S.A. Corporation announced that Select Max®
Herbicide with Inside Technology(TM) will again be a part of Monsanto’s
Roundup Rewards® Program in 2007. This year the program, which was
available for Midwest farmers in 2006, will also be offered to Select
Max users in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas,
Virginia, and West Virginia.

In 2007, Roundup Ready® soybean farmers will continue to have even more
insurance to protect their investment against volunteer Roundup
Readycorn when they use Select Max® Herbicide with Inside
Technology(TM). But this insurance they can take to the bank—literally.

Farmers who use Select Max with Roundup WeatherMAX® will receive $2.60
off per acre; farmers who use Select Max with Roundup Original MAX(TM)
will receive $1.30 off per acre—making Select Max an economical solution
with the best performance for the farmer.

In 2007, two additional products have been added to the Roundup Rewards
program—Harness® Herbicide or Degree® Herbicide. Farmers who use
Harness® Herbicide or Degree® Herbicide on their Roundup Ready corn
along with Select Max and Roundup Original MAX(TM) or RoundupWeatherMAX®
on their soybeans can earn an additional $1.30 off per acre. The
potential savings in 2007 with this program is as high as $3.90 per
In addition to the economic value, farmers who rotate their fields from
Roundup Ready corn to Roundup Ready soybeans know that a “one-two punch”
of Roundup with another product for volunteer corn, such as Select Max,
is a critical element of a thorough crop protection program.

“Select Max is a proven tank mix partner with Roundup® brands,” said Joe
Short, Select Max product manager for Valent. “In addition to its tank
mix flexibility, studies show Select Max delivers fast and complete kill
of volunteer corn and grasses and offers a wide application window.”

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