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Re: [SANET-MG] BBC NEWS | UK | England | Tyne/Wear | Researchers hail organic potatoes

can understand that i have seen in a lot of cases here that the benifical
does not show up till there is lots of the plage here for them to work on. then what did U do. i know if you make compost tea out of the bad stuff you get more bad stuff. garbage in garbage out so im interested in just how u did not just grow the blight but instead and how did what u did turn it around. I would like to hear a little more.????.

Sal I have explained my system on sanet at least twice and in great detail. I have called my system "soil immunization". A few other things I do is plant a mixture of several varieties and every year we grow a portion of next years seed potatoes from real seed. Also, everything is home produced. We found at an early stage that home grown seed potatoes did about twice as well than bought in certified seed. So we have not bought seed in for more than 10 years.

I have explained in another mail to Lawrence that we did more or less the same for a few other crops. For instance sweet corn outside is not an easy thing to grow here. Too cold and too wet usually. But for the last 15 years now we have grown sweet corn quite reliably, every time saving our own seed until we had a variety that could survive and thrive here under our specific conditions and without any chemicals. john
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