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Re: Regulation of compost teas (was: NOSB loses its head)

Keith and Lawrence,

I wrote:
>>>Based on what the research found, the recommendation doesn't sound
>>>unreasonable.  I don't think they were *prohibiting* "compost
>>> teas", but trying to make their use safer.

Lawrence (?) wrote:
>> Don't you think any farmer going to the trouble to get organic
>> certification would be acutely aware of the potential for
>> generating harmful pathogens in compost and compost tea
>> to be used on their crops to be sold to their customers?

Keith wrote:
> It's a basic and noxious assumption of this type of bureaucratism
> (and of corporatism) that people are not competent to look after
> themselves, not capable of getting it right on their own, have to be
> told what to do and not left with any other choice. We must obey our
> patriarchs.

In my gut I agree with you.  I don't like the bureaucratization and
professionalization of everything.  However, the (probably skewed)
perception of food-borne risk among the public will drive the compost
issue, just like it drove pasteurization and addition of sorbic acid to
commercial apple cider (I can't stand the taste of "cider" nowadays).
People will go to any bureaucratic length because they are so
risk-averse.  Personally I don't think that adding mollassas to compost
juice to get a microbial boost is likely to be an important hazard.

But isn't it possible to live with the recommendations?
1. Only use high quality compost
2. Don't add carbohydrate substrates if applied within 120 DOH

> And hence the appalling deskilling of our societies - our
> grandfathers were far more capable and competent than we are.

Being a generalist and do-it-yourselfer, you won't get any argument
from me on this.  But I'm not sure details of compost tea manufacture
are that relevant to this pervasive trend.  Anyone who makes compost
tea of any sort probably doesn't fall into the "deskilled" group!


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