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Re: Regulation of compost teas (was: NOSB loses its head)

At 11:37 AM 10/23/02, you wrote:
It is great how this thing has ranged, but the issue is whether using sugars
to increase bacterial biomass in compost teas is inconsistent with Organic
methods. Adding beneficial bacteria and fungi, protozoa and in some cases
nematodes to the soil surely has to be considered within the scope as
Organic.    It is exactly analogous to putting mulch down or compost to a
lesser degree.

The only issue is does it cause E. coli to grow...... a conclusion the NOSB
reached as a result of what many of us believe were flawed studies based on
personal agendas.... there were supposed two, not reported and not peer

Although I cannot deal with the details of the decisions made here I
believe that it is important to recognize that the NOSB (National Organic
Standards Board) (an appointed Board coming from out of the industry) makes
recommendations to the NOP (National Organic Program) (a portion of the
AMS, in the USDA). The NOSB does not make decisions for the NOP, unless it
is a straightforward "Materials" issue, this is the only realm which the
NOSB has a large degree of control. By law all materials on the "National
Lists" must be placed there initially by the NOSB, after that the USDA can
remove something but it can not add anything.
I believe that the NOP has made these decisions about compost and compost
teas. Since the "Final Rule" had to be passed by the Office of Management
and Budget, I suspect that some political horse trading went down at the
organic farmers' expense. Do not expect logic to always prevail in these
things, no matter how right you might be.

Again, adding fungi, bacteria and protozoa is clearly organic. It is what we
all do when we mulch and apply compost. THE  ISSUE IS E COLI AND BAD

     Jeff L

Dave DeCou
