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Google Search: subtle energy agriculture



Title: Google Search: subtle energy agriculture
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Searched the web for subtle energy agricultureResults 1 - 10 of about 29,500. Search took 0.08 seconds.

Acres USA -- A Voice for Eco-Agriculture
... Subtle Energies: Ancient ... farming. The Anatomy of Life & Energy In Agriculture
Biochemical, biophysical approach to farm success. The ...
www.acresusa.com/books/ thumbnail.asp?catid=22&pcid=2 - 31k - Cached - Similar pages

Acres USA -- A Voice for Eco-Agriculture
... 1999 Subtle Energies in Agriculture: Orgone Energy & Non-Toxic Farming
James DeMeo, 2 tape audio set, 1999. Radionic Applications ...
www.acresusa.com/tapes/ thumbnail.asp?catid=33&pcid=3 - 24k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.acresusa.com ]

Subtle Energy in Ag Conference
... Subtle Energy Conference Presentations on orgone research will be given by James
DeMeo, Ph.D at a forthcoming conference on "Subtle Energies in Agriculture", ...
csf.colorado.edu/archive/1998/bdnow2/msg01083.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

Re: Plant awareness
... WWI to the Biological Agriculture Era (sustainable agriculture, organic farming,
and permaculture) there are hints that the next era, the Subtle Energy Era, is ...
csf.colorado.edu/perma/lists/nov97/msg00087.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from csf.colorado.edu ]

Stone, (September 2000)
... At this summer’s West Coast conference of the American Society of Dowsers,
Penelope spoke on dowsing, subtle energy use in agriculture, and landscape ...
www.newtimes.org/issue/0009/stone.html - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Subtle Energies tools. Tools For Wellness. USA/Canada
... and information on healthy air and water What is subtle energy? Potentiating your
energy fields Auras Teslar watches Biocircuits ... Agriculture · Commerce & ...
www.randburg.com/ca/tools_energy.html - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

[DOC]Comparative Analysis of Ten Major Alternative Farming Systems: ...
File Format: Microsoft Word 97 - View as HTML
... Vibrational Agriculture. 1970-90s. Energy workers: Phil Callahan, Hugh Lovel, George
Kuepper. Market gardening to Large-scale farming. Subtle energy, Vital energy ...
ncatark.uark.edu/~steved/alt-farm-syst.doc - Similar pages

Slim Spurling's Web Site: Penelope Bell's Biography
... At this summer's West Coast conference of the American Society of Dowsers, Penelope
spoke on dowsing, subtle energy use in agriculture, and landscape gardening ...
www.slimspurling.com/English/facilitators/ PenelopeBell.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

... Acupuncture recognizes a subtle energy -- chi or life force -- that pervades our
bodies ... time in the practice of using those forces beneficially in agriculture. ...
www.oregonbd.org/whatis.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Open Directory - Science: Anomalies and Alternative Science
... Information and consulting on radionics and applying psychotronic, vibrational
energy, and other subtle energy concepts to agriculture and other fields. ...
dmoz.org/Science/Anomalies_and_Alternative_Science/ - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

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