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[EM-Ag] Announcing: Change for EM Info Site; Rev. Ed. of Adv. EM Guide

Hi folks:

Two brief announcements in this note, one about a change in domain for my
EM Info website, and the other about the Advanced Guide to Brewing
High-Quality AEM and EM Brews

EM Info Website Domain Change
I have finally taken the time to move the EM Info website from its old
location, where it was nestled in a subdirectory under the Raw Paleo Diet
site, to its own domain, to be found at:

I have also undertaken the MASSIVE project of (slowly) updating the 11
lengthy pages which comprise that site, to attempt to bring the information
more up-to-date and make it more readable.  The task is massive, due to the
size and complexity of the site -- it will take many months!

Release of the Advanced Guide to  Brewing High-Quality AEM and EM Brews
I released the first edition/version of the Advanced Guide in the past
week, and the PDF file (1.4 MB) was sent to each person who had ordered a
copy. If you have already ordered, but have not yet received your copy
(likely due to your mailserver deleting the attachment due to size), please
contact me privately at vinny@mindspring.com  For info on the
revised/updated edition, please see below!

Imminent Release of First Major Revised Edition/Verison of the Advanced Guide
Since the moment about six days ago when I delivered the first
edition/version of the Guide version via e-mail, I have been working on
adding and expanding a few sections, and correcting over 140 typos which I
missed on the first release.  I will be releasing and distributing that new
edition/version within the next week or two.  As you likely know, anyone
who has ordered the e-book automatically receives, free, any new
editons/versions which I release from date of order.

If you or any friends wish to learn more about the EM e-book or the EM
newletter, please go to the "E-books, Quick Tutorials, Newsletters Offered
by Vinny" page on my main website, at

with care,

Vinny Pinto

phone            301-694-1249

To see my informational websites and e-mail list groups, please go to:

To learn more about EM and its uses, and the various names under which it is marketed worldwide, please see the EM Info website, at:
For a list group on EM and health, you may wish to explore EM-Health list group, at
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