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Re: Organic Grape Pest Management

Hi Jerry -

Last year I came across an organic vegetable farmer using a very
effective knockown of Pyganic (pyrethrum) and Agroneem (neem)
for flea beetle control.  Both products are on the OMRI list.

I don't know if it works on grasshopper, but worth consideration.

For background information on cultural and biological controls, you
can read suggestions in the ATTRA publication, including details
on the old "hopper dozer" trapping device which is driven through
a field... catching hoppers as they "alight."

Grasshopper Management

My favorite educational web site / CD combination on
grasshoppers was put together by USDA-ARS Northern
Plains Ag Research Laboratory in Sidney, Montana, along
with Univ of Wyoming folks and other collaborators.

Grasshoppers:  Their Biology, Identification, and Management

Best wishes,
Steve Diver

Jerry DeWitt wrote:

Anyone have any experience with Neem for grasshopper managment on
grapes? Any thing else available and helpful?


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