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The Green Center, Inc., on Cape Cod, is a non-profit educational institute that evolved from the New Alchemy Institute. Our goals are the same - the support of ecologically derived forms of energy, agriculture, aquaculture, housing, and landscapes, and living in harmony with nature.

The Green Center leases space at Alchemy Farm which is a cohousing community on the former site of the New Alchemy Institute.

We are a small group, and have focused on providing access to the results of New Alchemy's past ecological research, and on promoting projects that demonstrate using those ideas in practical ways. We do not have facilities for visitors at this time, except for the NAI Library, the Community Farm and Nature's Circle.

NEW ALCHEMY PUBLICATIONS: We can provide copies of all of New Alchemy's research reports, technical bulletins, books and working papers on topics such as organic agriculture, aquaculture, pest management, energy-efficient healthy houses, windmills and solar greenhouses. Write for a publication and price list.

Specialized Ecological Library: The New Alchemy Library, specializing in ecological topics (renewable energy, biological agriculture and aquaculture, ecological design, etc.), is available to students and researchers and the public that wants detailed information. The library is a lending library for members, and is open to the public for reading and research. The hours will be expanded for the summer of 1996. For information call the library at 508-540-2408.

Design Charette for Sustainable Living: In 1993 The Green Center sponsored a design symposium with architects, to explore how ecological technologies and renewable energy could be used in planned cluster developments and cohousing communities. Design topics included privacy in cluster housing, wastewater purification and use, rainwater catchment, and wildlife habitats in landscapes.

Nature's Circle: Falmouth's Own Educational Nature Center: The goal of the center is to raise the awareness of Falmouth residents toward our natural habitat through field walks, classes, workshops and activities that will enhance respect for and enjoyment of our woods, beaches, water and wildlife. Field walks include freshwater pond life, barrier beach formation and vegetation, salt marshes, upland habitats, botany and bird walks.

Our citizens could become far more aware of the close connection between themselves and their environment if there were an educational program in central Falmouth. The center serves to inform about the programs of all the organizations that deal with our environment - - the Conservation Commission, The 300 Committee, the Department of Natural Resources, the Cape Cod Commission, the Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod, and the other nature centers of Cape Cod.

When we have a center in town it will provide a place in which people could meet to discuss community environmental issues, and a library of books and periodicals pertinent to natural history education. Workshops would include conservation, land management, coastal management, clean water, and stewardship. Slide shows and lectures include wildflowers, birds, ecology, wetlands and coyotes. At the present, Nature's Circle is accessible at the NAI Library.

For further information about Nature's Circle and to offer your help and skills, please contact Alison Robb, Box 186, Woods Hole, MA 02543 or at 508-540-2408.

The Green Center
237 Hatchville Road
East Falmouth, MA 02536
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