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[SANET-MG] Tsunami relief

AMURT is an international relief organization based
in India.  They have capacity to work quickly and directly
with effected areas.

They have two teams in action, one on the Tamil Nadu
coast of India and the other in Aceh, Indonesia.


AMURT Global Network

The following notes arrived by email from the coordinator
for AMURT in the U.S. on Dec. 29th:

"AMURT and AMURTEL are active in responding to the devastation caused by
the tsunami tidal waves. We have teams working in India and Indonesia."

"An AMURT team started working in Nagapattanam District in the Indian state
of Tamil Nadu on December 28. Our 15-person team is working in
coordination with the Indian military to locate and bury the dead. This is
important work as the corpses rot and spread disease. During their first
day of action, our team buried 78 bodies of those drowned by the floods in
the coastal town of Keerakolaichal. An estimated 40,000 people are still
missing in the area, and it is expected that many more people will be
found dead."

"An advanced reconnaissance team arrived in Banda Aceh, Indonesia today to
prepare for a larger team arriving December 30th with relief supplies from
our regional headquarter in Medan. The Indonesian government is providing
free transportation to anyone traveling to the disaster sites to provide

"Donations can me made online at http://www.amurt.net, or can be sent
by check to:

AMURT/AMURTEL Tsunami Relief Appeal
6810 Tilden Lane
Rockville, MD 20852

Steve Diver

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