Re: Mustard meal seed treatment

From: Elaine Ingham (Soilfoodweb@AOL.COM)
Date: Tue Jan 21 2003 - 23:15:53 EST

Hi Lisa -

There was a series of papers on broccoli decomposition in the early to mid-1990's from UC Davis, I think, on suppression of fungi. I'm not going to remember the name of the researcher however.

With respect to nematodes and brassica cover crops, you should contact Dr. Russell Ingham, at Oregon State University. He's done quite a bit of work on these interactions, as well as the effect on mycorrhizal fungi. But there's a great deal more to be discovered, so I'm sure he could help you choose the next best thing that needs to be done.

His e-mail is:

Elaine Ingham (yes, he's my husband)
President, Soil Foodweb Inc.
Corvallis, OR
Port Jefferson, NY
Lismore, NSW, Australia
Hilversum, The Netherlands


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