Re: Ethics of Sustainability

From: Steve Diver (steved@NCATARK.UARK.EDU)
Date: Wed Nov 20 2002 - 12:37:44 EST

Hi Greg -

See these items in the SANET post below:

*See the AFSIC listings
*See ATTRA's, "Resource Guide to Organic & Sust. Veg Prod"
*In the New Renaissance article, see the citation to
  "Conventional Versus Alternative Agriculture: The Paradigmatic
  Roots of the Debate"

Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002
Sender: Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group
Subject: Re: farming systems comparison

You can find similar resources by searching SANET archives.

Also see:

Florida Sustainable Communities Center (FSCC)

FSCC | What is "Sustainability"?

FSCC | Best Sustainability Books of this Decade

Now there are 35 books. This item was formerly posted on
SANET as...
"30 of the Best Sustainability Books of this Decade"

Also see this prominent megasite, formerly known as
"Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development":

Smart Communities Network

Best wishes,

Steve Diver

Greg and Garbo wrote:

> So what I am looking for are definitions of sustainability, types of
> sustainability, quotes, mission statements, and other such condensed
> statements to use in a PowerPoint presentation to the committee about
> ethics of sustainability to initiate a discussion on this topic. If
you have
> any suggestions, please send them my way.


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