Re: Soil Equilibrium

From: Steve Diver (steved@NCATARK.UARK.EDU)
Date: Thu Jan 02 2003 - 13:42:32 EST

Hi Rick -

I have not observed your farm, but based on your
description(s) I'd expect to see some differences in
your soil quality vs the averge cattle farm in MO.

Soil test parameters:

NPK-Lime type nutrient analysis
____ You might see some differences one day. But
too much emphasis is placed on nutrient analysis. It is
the old soil test from the mid-20th century. Still useful,
but over-emphasized. The Albrecht-type soil test which
looks at base saturation, for example from Neil Kinsey in
Missouri, would be more helpful than your average
sufficiciency soil test.

Humus + OM tests
_____ What are the different ways you can understand
the amounts of organic mattera and the condition and
quality of soil humus. Woods End Lab has some good tests.
The circular chromatography test can tell you a lot,
but you will have to do that yourself. In Europe, groups
of farmers get together and study humus and make
these tests themselves.

Microbial analysis
_____ The SFI test is available to get a picture
of the microbial status. It is the direct look method,
not a plate count method. It has revolutionized our
view of the soil condition; it offers a portal to the
era of Biological Agriculture.

Humus and Biological Life are interwoven, so these
tests are complimentary. If you understand one,
you can understand the other. It takes soil biota
to create humus and it takes humus management to
provide food and shelter for a healthy soil foodweb.

Barbara Bellows at ATTRA can speak with you
about the soil test methods and parameters they have
underway to evaluate pasture management systems in
the Ozarks.

Well, you can also just look at your forages and
your animals and gauge what you're looking for.

Steve Diver


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