Re: fungus knats

From: Steve Diver (steved@NCATARK.UARK.EDU)
Date: Thu Jan 09 2003 - 16:20:41 EST

The University and Extension websites for Greenhouse
IPM are very good for identification, life cycles, and control
meaures for bugs and diseases.

Now, many specialists are including biorational products
which are viewed as least-toxic alternatives -- from
biofungicides to the peroxide-based products like Oxidate
-- among the approved product listings.

I bring to your attention this IPM site at Penn State.

"Bug Vs. Bug" Articles
Penn State Horticulture Department

And, here is a collection of these articles collected
into a booklet, downloadable in PDF.

"Bug Vs. Bug": A Collection of Articles
on Biocontrol of Plant Pests

Fungus gnat larvae is there.

Peace, Love, and Pass the Hypoaspis miles
Steve Diver


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