Phenology and Weather, Aboriginal style

From: Steve Diver (steved@NCAT.ORG)
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 14:56:48 EST

Here's a link to a very interesting article from Reuters
news service, published March 17th.

And Now for the Weather, Aboriginal Style
Mon March 17, 2003 09:52 AM ET
By Michael Perry

SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) - When the bearded dragon
lizard sits upright and points its head to the sky, it is going to
rain the next day. If a flock of currawongs flies overhead, you
have four hours to get the washing off the line.

If the queen wattle blooms heavily, bull ants abandon their tree
nests for mounds of dirt, or meat ants cover nests with tiny,
heat-reflecting quartz stones, then bushfires are coming.



Australia's Bureau of Meteorology draws upon
Aboriginal weather knowledge... launches
"Indigenous Weather Knowledge"...

Sydney's six-season Aboriginal calendar is based on the
flowering of various native plants.... [details provided]

Insightful observations on drought cycles....


When you go to the "Indigenous Weather Knowledge"
website and look around, you come across the Yanyuwa's
five season calendar. I like these circular calendars
showing "when" things occur at different times of the year,
accompanied by related phenological events.

Steve Diver

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