Re: [compost_tea] Re; Why activate the compost?

From: David Loring <>
Date: Sat, 3 May 2003 14:43:31 -0700

Ray - I'd love to hear more about your experience with potatoes as that com=
es in. I'm not sure why someone would steer you away from fish products, y=
ou should ask them what the problem is. It is certainly listed on recipes =
from Soil Foodweb. Are you testing your teas? The highest fungal numbers =
I have gotten in a tea came from pretreating 16 ounces of a woody compost =
with 2 ounces of fish hydrolysate for three days at 80*F. It was covered w=
ith fungi by the time I added it and the analysis showed it was in the 3um =
category of beneficial sized fungi.

I'd be interested to hear why someone doesn't want fish products in a tea, =
the only situation I'm aware of is that fish emulsion is a bacterial food a=
s opposed to fish hydrolysate which is a fungal food.


David A. Loring, Project Leader
Southeast Asia Project
Dietrick Institute for Applied Insect Ecology ph (760) 489-9438
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: ray gore
  Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2003 12:08 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re; Why activate the compost?

  Thx David,
     To be clear I have been using the AK Humus product
  in our EPM 500 and Modified Growing Solutions 500 and
  our 35g homebuilt. After I remove the Humus/vermi mix
  I reintroduce it to the plastic containers I keep the
  base products in and add fresh vermi as well. I have
  tried different things including low sodium soy that
  grows something, what I have no idea.
     On the potato comments on this site I have to add
  that I have heard some negative as well as positive
  results from different customers of mine that have
  used other peoples tea. The negative reactions have
  come from customers of a vendor that uses the most
  popular tea machine mfgr. I have heard that he might
  be having problems with his vermi.
     I have talked with Jason Kimm so anyone that wants
  basic info I can relay what he told me. Also Reggie
  Destrie has given me some excellent recomendations on
  potatoes that one of my organic customers is trying.
  The conflict that I am working on is that I have been
  told by the mfr not to add fish products or anything
  else to my brews. I have been working with Lance Funk
  here in Idaho who has EPM brewers and hooked him up
  with the Fort Hall Reservation potato fields so I may
  have more potato info later this season for those
  --- David Loring <> wrote:
> Ray - I have found that fish hydrolysate grows fungi
> on almonst anything . . . anything that is that
> still has enough undecomposed material for fungi to
> grow on. If what you have is really humus that
> means, by definition, it has already been worked on
> by fungi and bacteria and may not support much more
> growth. You might try mixing a little woody
> material 1:4 to provide foods for the fungi in your
> humus to grow on.
> David A. Loring, Project Leader
> Southeast Asia Project
> Dietrick Institute for Applied Insect Ecology
> ph (760) 489-9438
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: ray gore
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2003 11:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re; Why activate the
> compost?
> Jeff,
> Since I bought the AK Humus I have tried all
> kinds
> of different things to grow fungi levels and
> reinoculate it after use. Any suggestions? Most
> recently I have been adding vermicompost with it
> then
> again after use. Thx, Ray MVC Idaho
> --- Jeff Lowenfels <> wrote:
> > Judi, you could activate will all sorts of
> stuff. My
> > research, however, shows that the medical and
> other
> > communities that grow soil fungi use Oatmeal
> > products in the lab along with agar because
> oatmeal
> > selects for soil fungi. For what it is worth,
> corn
> > meal was number two.
> >
> > In addition, while it looks like you are only
> > growing one type of fungi because it looks
> uniform,
> > these fungi look a like and you are most
> probably
> > growing lots of kinds.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Jeff
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