RE: [compost_tea] Using my own compost, not a good option ? ?

From: Mike Bosko <>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 20:12:31 -0700

Thanks Tom and Jeff for the responses. I still don’t see a problem with
explaining what exactly properly made compost is, or even how to make it on
a CT list. I’m sure there are many on this list, other than myself, that
would appreciate the explanation. I may be wrong and don’t want to speak
for anyone else. But along with this thought, I appreciate your responses
to my concerns.

Oh, and on the salmon… no way on the farm raised stuff (btw, I love seeing
the ‘artificially colored’ tag on the safeway salmon now!! –hope that really
hurts the sales), I get my salmon using my flyrod from our own Northwest
Rivers. But,…. If you want to invite me up and take me out, I wouldn’t pass
up a trip to AK again…. Grin. The only fish I keep here are the hatchery
fish, the wild ones get set back into the river. I miss the good ol’ days.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Lowenfels []
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Using my own compost, not a good option ? ?

Hey Mike,

I think Tom is correct, it can be very frustrating to manage everything at
once and the idea that you have to buy a certain brewer or compost can be
frustrating too.You might feel better if you knew that even though I have
unlimited supply to what some would say is the world's very best compost, I
know that The KIS, Evans, Bob and BItti-0's give great results and have all
of them and use them all, I STILL FOOL AROUND WITH MY OWN HOMEMADES.

Of course you should use your own compost. And if you can make a machine
that works, go for it, too!

However, I do have to say there is something to having known, tested
equipment and compost. Not only do you know you are not wasting time, but
you don't have to go to the considerable expense repeating tests and doing
tests to get your machine/compost/vermicompost etc to the point where it
works! It isn't cheap. And, it gives you a standard from which to deviate as
you learn more about teas and do go off on your own.

We don't talk about composting on this site because we are not a composting
site. We do talk compost. We don't spend much time because many of us adopt
the idea that if you say the word compost you mean one thing: properly made

Finally, we know of several folks in Agriculture that are embracing compost
teas. And I would hope by the time the Methyl Bromide ban rolls around, many
more will be!

I hope all that salmon you and Tom are eating comes from Alaska rivers and
is not farmed.....



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