Re: [compost_tea] This is a test ??

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 22:57:26 -0700 (PDT)

to George and Paultte Looks like yer stuck on the middle line of the keyboard to me.... A message or so ago you were writing about how impossible the aerated compost system is that is suggested by I was impressed with the research, their equipment and the probability that they are right. Compost certainly is much better if kept aerobic for the entire cycle. Something we have not done elsewhere except in a much more expensive system. Also the cycle is faster and they say without odor. If their process is really without odor then the stuff most piles are made of is anaerobic much of the time. Also the temperature is all over the place when it is turned in the usual way. The cost to turn compost is way up there.even when done with a fork. As I recall your remark "But the (Magic) equipment is so big and the process so expensive it ruins the idea of individual and small operator composting. A small composer can't consider that process." We were getting
  along with our old pile whatever it does" . But full aeration adantages are many. Low or no odor full aerobic full time promotes AEROBIC microbes full time. almost no turning labor or machines required. compatable with vermicompost. May greatly improve vericomost. use less space, shorter cycle, better, SAFER compost.
                                  potential for good Temp control develop aerobic fungi and bacteria thruout the entire pile. Increase protozoa and diversity by keeping more of original life. Leaves you the energy and time to do the fun part of gardening. Model 20For a home or small commercial system capable of up to 20 CY per month, cost of operation for a year is $ 21.00 ( 20 cubic yards a month capacity. Can produce less as wanted) System cost $ 283.00. Model 40For a larger but still small commercial system capable of 40 CY per month, cost of operation $30.00 for a year. System cost $ 395.00 Life expectancy 5 to 10 years. Bob's Brewers has the systems available for a limited number in each size on request.. Does that change your attitude about fully aerated systems, George and Paulette ?
George and Paulette Mouchet <geomouchet_at_QNET.COM> wrote:askfjsaljkaskjfsaljf

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