Re: [compost_tea] vermicastings versus vermicompost

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 17:46:44 -0800

Tom, I agree! We all have to be careful with what we use.

Steve, no going back to Miracle Gro etc is not the answer.....we just have =
to be careful and think about what we are doing. Dust, fungal spores, bacte=
rium in lungs is bad. If the almost compost/vermicompost contains e coli it=
 is even worse....

Those of us that have been using CT/compost and vermicompost or who have re=
ad the above need to make sure that Newbies and those that didn't, fully un=
derstand this.



Received on Fri May 16 2003 - 00:00:08 EDT

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