Re: [compost_tea] Re: Compost, Vermicompost, Etc.

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 15:31:55 -0800

<<<I must insert a tweak here to the extent that I think Jeff has correctly
perceived that vermicompost is the principal competition for Alaska Humus,
and has thus brought up "ODTS" as a vermicompost issue,>>>

No,no,no. Woooooah. Wasn't I the guy who put Mary Applehof's piece on here?=
 Don't I raise worms, too? Alaska Humus can stand on its own as there is no=
 comparison. We are not "afraid" of the competition with vermicompost and f=
or lots of reason there is no competition between the two. There is room fo=
r both and differences in both and that is NOT why I mentioned ODTS. Here =
is why I am so concerned about ODTS and impacts from "molds" (remember the =
flame with Jose).....I know people who have had serious problems. YOu can =
get ODTS from compost (though I doubt from Alaska Humus, but that is not th=
e point). Just by way of example, we had a dog that got very serious lesio=
ns and almost died. Two days later, my mother got the same lesions........=
she almost died as well. Turns out there was a bad fungi in some straw we w=
ere using as mulch on our strawberries. Thank goodness for the soil scienti=
sts at Cornell who were able to identify what was going on and correct the =
situation. Ever since then, I have been very careful when I deal with compo=
st, vermicompost and mulches. Don't breathe in the dust. If you have cuts, =
wear gloves and if you get sick, make sure people know what you have been w=
orking with.

So, this is not a matter of Vermi vs Alaska Humus. Never was. Again, I repe=
at: we have to be careful when we are dealing with microbiology. That is al=



Received on Sat May 17 2003 - 07:15:26 EDT

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