RE: [compost_tea] microbial food send teas anaerobic

From: Nehemiah <>
Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 20:21:55 -0400

How do the food sources get mixed with the tea in the desired

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony []
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2003 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] microbial food send teas anaerobic

Simple solution to this concern of teas going anaerobic when adding xtra
Depending on your scale of operation cost would obviously be a factor,
but if your taking this road least traveled- personally I think it is no
cost at all.
If you are using a tractor or 4 wheel motorbike to spray the CT, simply
add saddle tanks or a 'dolly' tank separate to the tank holding the CT.
use these auxiliary tanks to hold the food sources, which can be
concentrated as to reduce weight problems. this gets the job done in one
pass! Most broad acre 'biological' farmers have been doing this for
years as they saw similar problems when putting out similar food sources
when they applied herbicides (sorry to mention a contraband). Simple
fact is that your paying someone X amount to sit in the tractor
regardless, so you might as well get 2 things done at once!

----- Original Message -----
From: growest2002 <>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 11:24 PM
Subject: [compost_tea] Re: microbial food

Dan and all--I also asked about adding foods to the spray tank before
spraying, and Elaine did comment about it.

Altho the tank seems to go anaerobic in a matter of minutes, she
mentioned you still have a few hours before your aerobic fungi all
off--I guess they can hold their breath for awhile!

So I am planning on adding hydrolyzed fish (neutralized with baking
soda--this stuff is very acid as it is sold)and liquid kelp. I would
also like to add humic acid, but not sure of the rate for
foliars...note that % humic really varies. I know the humic will
precipitate if the pH goes below about 6, thus the importance of
neutralizing the fish at least some before all the mixing.

Oh, I always put in a yucca product at label rates as a wetting
I'm sure this does some good for both foliage and soil as it works
thru the system.

Results so far--just starting to see some good flushes of growth, but
that happens in May anyway.

Also seem to get some leaf burn when I'm careless--spray early
morning, on cloudy days preferably (?)


--- In, Lmvine1_at_c... wrote:
> In a message dated 5/16/2003 10:34:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> Good point Ron. I used CT on my soil last year and improved it some
> believe (and Elaine also mentioned) long term food resources for
> organisms were not in the soil in sufficient quantity. My OM is
less than
> 1.5% and is not sufficient to feed the herd after innoculation with
> This year I am adding foods to my CT just before applying such as
> molasses, Saponyn and Kelp. Upon advice of Erik Morgan of Terra
Vita I am
> using a pound of SP-85 per acre per application of CT, much more
than I added
> previously. I am adding foods to tea just before topping off
sprayer and
> spraying. My only concern is if I cause the tea to go anerobic.
Of course
> I could put the foods on in a separate spray but that is more labor
> passes in vineyard.
> I mentioned this issue before but got no response. Hope this does
> What are experiences with adding organism food and what do you use??
> Dan Lynch
> Long Mountain Vineyard

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Received on Sun May 18 2003 - 20:40:38 EDT

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