Re: [compost_tea] Re: MSDS

From: Thomas Giannou <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 09:13:16 -0700

Hi Tom,

Here's an MSDS on dried molasses:
20molasses.htm .

I've seen MSDS statements on all kinds of food products. I've found that m=
ost everything sold in stores is required to have an MSDS statement availab=
le. I was looking at a School Districts bid request for different brands o=
f cerials and they require an MSDS for each product furnished.

I get the impression that every manufacturer who makes a product needs to h=
ave an MSDS form for their product. In fact, people who sell products need=
 to be able to furnish a copy of an MSDS for that product when a customer r=
equests one. That's a fairly common requirment in retail stores.

--Thomas Giannou

----- Original Message -----
  From: tomjasz
  Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 7:22 AM
  Subject: [compost_tea] Re: MSDS

  Food products do not have MSDS sheets available. OSHA has never
  insisted we have MSDS sheets on soil amendments, only on fertilizers
  and non food items.

Received on Tue Jun 03 2003 - 12:34:14 EDT

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