Re: [compost_tea] Defining what is compost tea exactly

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2003 09:45:09 -0800

We are with you, Doc!

What do we call Soilsoup? It has bacteria, but no fungi.....

By the way, it is always interesting to see what people sell as nutrient mi=
xes. Sometimes it seems that what is in the nutrient mix is what is making=
 the "tea" work and not the critters in the tea.....if you put Soil Soup's =
nutrient mix on plants instead of in their brewer, it is a pretty good fert= fact, I would suggest it is just as good as their "tea" and may=
 be what makes SS "tea" work in the first instance.......


Received on Sat Jun 07 2003 - 15:33:39 EDT

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