[compost_tea] membership

From: chuck whelan <chazfw_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 12:29:23 -0700 (PDT)

thank you for the welcome-- my membership check is in todays' mail--
the july conference is tempting-somehow, i must find my way---
i am very excited by this group [ normally- i am not much of a joiner ]
looking toward the future--- charls---brustkern_at_aol.com wrote:
Hi Charls, and welcome! You are in the leading edge for change, and I would suggest a couple things for your CT itch....Check out www.intlctc.org, as we have a whole bunch of info and data that will be of interest to you, and at the same time, may I encourage your joining our nonprofit group?

Thank You,
Steve Brustkern
Director - Membership
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Received on Mon Jun 16 2003 - 15:59:03 EDT

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