[compost_tea] Good chance for list people to meet......

From: Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 08:48:28 -0800


We are VERY EXCITED to be able to present this to you! We would appreciate=
 your help in distributing this information to your clients, associates and=

The International Compost Tea Council (ICTC), a non-profit organization dev=
to education, research and setting standards for successful compost tea, is
offering the first in its series of hands-on practical compost tea training=

This format is a departure from conventional compost tea seminars that offe=
r only
theory, by providing hands-on experience of the brewing of compost tea, sel=
of compost, foods and equipment, through application and cleanup. Included =
practical comparison in the use of a variety of brewers, what makes them di=
what makes them work, and what is necessary for successful compost tea.

Friday is devoted to the professionals; golf courses, municipalities, lands=
professionals and applicators. For applicators this seminar offers 7 recert=
credits for the entire Friday's training. WSNLA is offering 8 credits for t=
he Certified Professional Horticulturalist. Hands-on training includes var=
ious spray units, brewers, nozzles, techniques and innovations.

Saturday is devoted to the homeowner, gardener or do-it-yourselfer, from be=
to experienced compost tea user. Learn how compost tea solves numerous
garden problems and promotes healthy, resilient plants and turf. Experience=
in what to apply, when, how much, and how often; answer questions or
solve problems you may have had using compost tea.
Instructors include:

Friday & Saturday: Dr. Elaine Ingham, the most sought-after soil and compo=
tea expert in the world today, speaking to over 50,000 people in 2001!

Friday: Hendrikus Schraven, one of the original pioneers of compost
tea for pest reduction, soil ecology, and landscape architecture
in the nation!

Saturday: Jeff Lowenfels, renowned garden writer and compost tea expert
from Alaska, recently speaking at the NW Flower & Garden Show!

Friday, July 11th for Professionals and Applicators
(7 re-certification credits to applicators)
8am-5pm (registration at 7am)
$80 for non-credit
$85 for credits

Saturday, July 12th for Homeowners, Gardeners, Do-It-Yourselfers
9am-5pm (registration at 8am)
$40 per person
$35 for seniors

Where: Lake Washington Technical College
11605-132nd Avenue NE
Kirkland, WA 98034

Member discounts apply to registration fees.
Please visit our website, www.intlctc.org, for registration forms and membe=
discount schedule, or call 425-503-0213.

Compost tea is recognized as a powerful alternative tool to the use of
chemicals for soil and plant health and pest management.

I have attached a registration form for your convenience. Please call me d=
irectly if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you there!

Leon Hussey
President, ICTC
425-761-6541 (cell phone)

international compost tea council
14150 NE 20th Street, Suite 293
Bellevue, WA 98007
fax: 425-462-9273
email: leon_at_simplici-tea.com

Received on Wed Jul 02 2003 - 14:23:37 EDT

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