[compost_tea] RE Diffusers And South Africa

From: Mike Benton <compost_at_mweb.co.za>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 21:48:22 +0200

Hi Paulette I have also spent a couple of hours in first tank when it was
running with 3000 lt and the ratios have come way down since then.30 lt of
fish meal,30 lt molasses and 150 lt of compost, if my memory serves me
correct:>The only saving grace was that outside it was in the mid 40C temp
wise. I might have smelt a bit odd but I was cool.
a tip for folks who use smaller machines is to place the 5gallon or whatever
size drum in a big 25 gallon tub. That way when your brewer does an
impression of "The Blob" without Steve Mc Queen to kill it and spills foam
you get a few hours of grace before you have to clean up. I learnt this one
the other day when I made my first little 250lt unit.
At this point I beg the pardon of all who have no wish to read my as brief
as possible answer to Paulette's questions about SA.There is no further
mention of AACT after this although I will mention a bit about agriculture.
South Africa has a very parallel history with the US and Australia and the
South America's for that matter, of mostly European settlement and
development at the detriment of the then local inhabitants. In that sentence
we can add exploit, destroy,displace,and to offset those infrastructure and
economies driven by production and later also services, modern medicine
[some of which has actually worked]. This was all in the past. And in the
future as well sadly. here in SA when have at least come clean with most of
the nastiness carried out in the past. We had a truth and reconciliation
process and some people went to jail and some who should have didnt.Well
compost happens. If you can find a book called ,I think ,Africa A biography
of a continent. In it one of my own 2 bit theories of why Africa is where it
is these days is expounded on. Namely that for a good thousand years Africa
was the principle source of slaves. This was have a reverse selective
breeding effect. The slavers never took the sick or unfit .All the best
genes were exported. And this was not only done by the whites but by the
Arabs and even in this new millennium is still going on ,carried out by one
ethnic group on another. I believe that Africa's time will come and I hope
that I am alive to see it but I don't know if we will be quick enough. This
is a fantastic country with Snow capped peaks in winter and thousands of
miles of coastlines on two different oceans. Our big cities like
Johannesburg and Cape Town are properly around 2000000 people All the fun
and joys of big cities everywhere but in Cape Town there is a 3000 ft
mountain around which the city grew. Makes traffic fun. There are hotels
that are in the top 10 in the world at silly prices in any currency and
backpacker lodges where you can stay for less than $10.Our restaurants are
as good as most and better than some. The climate goes from a record cold
of -23c up to above fifty. We border on one the driest deserts in the world
and on the other side of country have tropical conditions. Are farmers
produce most of the veggies and fruits except the odd thing like Durian
fruit. We have undoubtly the finest lamb meat in the world. The dry areas
are rich in unique plants and herbs many of which are coming into commercial
production. Areas wise about a fifth of the states I think? And at the last
count a couple of years ago 45 million people. The figure is closer to 60
million with the illegal immigrants from the rest of Africa. Even during the
apartheid years we had masses of illegal's .
As for languages we have them all just about ...I think that we are short of
about 340 hill tribe dialects from Borneo and then we would have them all.
As most of my clients are Afrikaans speaking I have learnt to speak
Afrikaans. I can lecture on the soilfoodweb Tea compost and general
principles in Afrikaans. I speak a little and understand a bit more Zulu but
there are almost no Zulu's in the cape where we live. And never have been
.If any body ever really wants to give this part of Africa back to its true
owners well then the blacks have to leave along with the whites, because be
black tribes and early white settlers, drove the true people out and killed
them for sport and various other silly reasons. The true owners prefer to be
referred to as brown not black. The bushman ,or San ,or Khoi have an
unbroken traceable line back 140000 years down here in the cape.
I can see that I must cut this short or no'one else will get a post in .

Mike Benton
Compost Technologies
compost_at_mweb.co.za <mailto:compost_at_mweb.co.za> mobile 0823345371

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