RE: [compost_tea] NOFC - Compost Tea

From: Steve Bridges <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 16:49:20 -0500

>From the ad in AcresUSA by Peak Minerals-Azomite Inc....

"AZOMITE is a pink rock dust mined from a unique volcanic deposit in Central
Utah. It contains a broad spectrum of metabolically active minerals and
trace elements."

"AZOMITE aids plants and animals by fortifying the natural mineral balance
and helps satisfy the hidden hunger caused by mineral deficiency or
depletion--Rollin Anderson..1942"

"AZOMITE is an acronym for the A to Z Of Minerals Including Trace Elements"

Steve Bridges

attached mail follows:

Hi Judi 110F ! Not the coolest place to be. If the water is that temp,
not good. If the water starts much cooler, say 75F and it is an air driven
system like you are using the temp of the water may stay ok cool due to
evaporation. If the water warms to above 85 F I wuld look for ice to cool
it down before running the brew.

Your recipe looks good What is Azormite? Bob

Judi Stewart <> wrote:

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Our club was on a field trip yesterday. At one of our stops we visited an
organic farmer of fruits and vegetables who makes and uses

compost tea. We observed brewer sitting inside the greenhouse. The air
temperature at 3 pm registered 110 degrees F.

What would you suppose this tea is doing to the plants?

I used one 350 watt aquarium heater which raised the water in our 250 g.
plastic tank from 60 degrees F. to 68 degrees F. overnight. The rubber
suction cups of the heater and its thermostat didnt stick to the walls of
the tank, but it really didnt matter. Water usually comes up 5 degrees
colder from the well in the fall and winter. At that time well use two
heaters. We made 250 g. of ACT using the following:

20 ou.- powdered seaweed

5 ou.- liquid humic acid

90 ou.- molasses

32 ou.- Azomite

Just thought Id pass along the latest message from a new fruit club member
who used this batch of ACT.


<-----Original Message-----
From: Lou Hoffer

Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 2:02 PM
To: Judi Stewart
Subject: Re: NOFC - Compost Tea


When is the next Compost tea sale. The tea works like a magic elixir.
Roses have not looked better. Even seems to be helping the flowering
crabapple. Plants seem to be asking, when is the next treatment?>

Lou Hoffer

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Received on Wed Jul 16 2003 - 02:09:25 EDT

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