Re: [compost_tea] Re: Sprayers for small scale applications

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 18:37:14 -0700 (PDT)

Like Elaine said "It Depends" IF YOUR BREW IS WELL PAST THE PROPAGATION STAGE, USING NO O2 the brew will go low on O2 slowely. If the little guys /gals haven't run out of food you can expect them to need air withing minutes. At least that is what my O2 meter says. That's why I keep haranging about doing it right. Use a 0% interest credit card, get the stuff to do the job. Avoid other expenses for a while and pay off the card, enjoy the fruits of them little workers in your garden. - Hey let THEM pay off the card. And they will in many ways. Bob

Tim Livingstone <> wrote:Bob,

Thanks for your input. It takes about an hour to empty the sprayer
and I haven't done anything to aerate during this time, just some
agitation as I pull the sprayer around. I understand from Elaine's
posts that the microbes will be OK since they will be on the the
leaves soon enough where they will get all the oxygen they need.
Do you see a problem with this assumption?


   Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 09:39:36 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Robert Norsen <>
Subject: Re: Sprayers for small scale applications

Tim, Compared to the price of a useful back pac that sounds like a
great bargain for a more capable system. For a commercial
landscape spraying it may still be small and need a hose reel, The
12 volt is useful. What about keeping the system aerated? Bob

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