Re: [Fwd: [compost_tea] Digest Number 371]

From: Timothy Bolander <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 12:39:19 -0700

Hi Henry,

My name is Timothy Bolander. In live in San Luis Obispo on the Central Coas=
t of California. I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in West Africa where I was i=
nvolved with introducing improved mud stove technologies. I wish I had know=
n about compost tea at the time.

With my partner we have designed an ACT brewer. The design is simple. The c=
leaning is very easy. I believe that compost tea can be very relevant to tr=
opical crops. We may be able to help you. We have designed a 5 gallon solar=
 powered ACT brewer that may be appropriate in some situation in the tropic=
s. Let me know if you are interested.


Timothy Bolander

----- Original Message -----
  From: Henry Karczynski
  Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 5:35 AM
  Subject: [Fwd: [compost_tea] Digest Number 371]

  Dear group,

  I am a certified Demeter biodynamic spice farmer in Costa Rica. I have
  been asked to give a presentation on sustainable agriculture advances,
  for an organic conference here in Costa Rica and I have chosen "Aerobic=
  Compost Tea" as the topic. The participants will be technicians,
  faculty, students and farmers. This will be the second time I have chose=
  this topic. The first time the presentation was based on advances in
  compost tea since the manure soak and compost in a barrel days. I used
  informational material from this list serve group, Dr. Ingham and ATTRA.=
  Hardly anyone is aware of ACT brewers here in Costa Rica.
  I have been planning to build a brewer based on the advances that this
  group has been presenting. The cost of importing a 100-200 gallon unit
  from the states had been more than I could budget, so I was planning to=
  build one. I am glad that I waited as the technology and recipes have
  improved. Then I saw the recent post about the Bobolater, which has
  received favorable reviews from you all, in the North Country Organics
  website and I realized that their 25-250 gallon unit would be ideal for
  me to learn on and also use to present at the organic conference.
  Shipping the drum would be counterproductive and expensive.
  How and where can I purchase only the compost tea brewer parts, sans
  drum? I know that to really stimulate interest in ACT I need to have a
  working model.

  Henry Karczynski

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Received on Thu Jul 17 2003 - 16:27:09 EDT

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